Sunday, March 7, 2021

Marked Down

The way the sun rose this morning was anything less than amazing. I figured out what was for breakfast. I said I would get some grits to eat the left over shrimp and gravy in the fridge. I headed to Bojangles. I remembered not to order that sausage patty 😬! I got to the window it was the same sister that last time that I was there who was upset with scheduling. Over her shoulders was the same brother, finessing those biscuits, laying eggs, cheese and the sexiest slices of bacon in the 843 area code. My total was a $1.43. I handed over one of my many gift cards I've received throughout the years. This time sister girl was in a good mood. We didn't have a conversation because we she had to take an order. Our interaction ending with that universal head tilt, nod, wave equivalent to "Aight Sis!" I'm glad I didn't stereotype her based on our last interaction. That should hit home for somebody.😏

I remembered that I had to go buy some ingredients to make Keith's Sunday meal: lima beans with smoked turkey and baked chicken. Analyzing what stores I wanted to hit, I realized that my recently purchased grits would be cold and my bougie self does not, I repeat does not eat reheated grits.

I made my way to Dunkin Donuts. I ordered some more Avocado toast. I didn't see that refresher drink I usually ordered, so I went with sweet tea. When I got to the window, I paid for my meal. A sister came out the back and we started talking. She asked me how I liked the Avocado toast. I said I liked it and yesterday was my first time. She said I had to come see who was at the window, because by your voice I could tell it was one of us. <Insert I feel you girl point> We then went on to talk about recommendations from my next order, my journey of giving up snackin bacon and we shared our good byes until next time.

Since I enjoyed The Battery yesterday, and I have a lot of stuff to do today, my early morning adventure is hitting the markdowns at the grocery stores. I've been doing this for years. Now, I even got Keith asking me what deals I found. If I find something good, I usually take pictures and send to my peoples to see if they want it. If it's a deal I can't pass by, I will purchase and drop it off to them.

My love for markdowns is a fascination of mine. Not only does it have to do with budgeting and stocking the freezer, it sheds light on life. At one point and time that pack of chicken or those pair of shoes were placed on that shelf or rack at full price with the intentions to sell quickly, in which some did. Some people purchased the items without cost or looks in mind. It was something that they wanted or deemed needed. It could have been an impulse buy in which those shoes are still in the closet never worn or that meat sat in the fridge or freezer too long.

The remaining items went on sale, and some items were sold. Someone took into consideration  how the items looked and the cost, before making a commitment. 

Then those  items that didn't sell as fast as the others went on a final sale. These items labeled differently. They are often bright stickera showing the original price marked through and the final price. These items are non-returnable because the shelf life is coming to an end.

I look for those bright labeled few items each weekend. Why? Because those items are equivocal to people in my sight. Each day I see my single friends share experiences of finding the right mate, hopes of walking down the aisle and wanting a good relationship. But society tells us that we have to do it before a certain age.. Having being single for over five years before entering my current relationship. I felt just like that marked down pack of chicken on the self. I knew my worth, but I let others put a price on me. I'm supposed to be this by that. But what I started looking at was how much I saved by avoiding some relationships and I was grateful I wasn't picked up my some.

I type this as I'm sitting in Harris Teeter parking lot, finishing off my sweat tea. Just because you're older, you have kids, you've had failed relationships, someone won't let you bury your past or you don't feel as you have arrived, doesn't not take away from the fact of your original worth. The fact that what we do with these items vary based on when, why, how, and who purchased them.

Someone is going to see you and your worth, and be amazed that they found a premium being for little or nothing being looked over time and time again. They will know what to do with you, because it's something that they wanted or they were looking for. Hey sis! Hey bro! Someone is coming to scoop you off the shelf.

#thinkingoutloud #biggirlswrite

Saturday, March 6, 2021


On my weekend morning me time adventure, my thoughts were preoccupied with breakfast. Beginning this month, Kailee and I decided to change our eating habits. Kailee would cut out the majority of her carbs, junk food, eat more salads and have a few cheat days a month. I would go  the pescatarian route. I noticed the things I did pre-40s hormonal imbalances times aint working like they used to. Today would have been a perfect day for some bacon. My southern lunch lady arm mindset reminiscent of Saturday breakfast made me want bacon, sausage, grits, eggs or that left over piece of fried fish or shrimp and gravy, Granny had cooked embracing her Catholic lifestyle to attend local schools a century ago. But that was not happening.

I'm riding down Savannah Highway thinking of what I can eat and all the places that come to mind, the foods that come to mind have meats that are not within my pescatarian scope. I finally decide to go to Dunkin Donuts to try the Avocado toast, which was actually good.

As I make my way home, I remember I have a meeting at 11 am. I needed my me time at my thinking spot: The Battery. It was raining but I could see the sun peaking out. The birds were still flying as normal. I saw a few fish poke their head out the water, the animals didn't let the rain stop them, so why should I?

My usual route was unavailable due to construction being done at the Battery. I took several side streets until I found a path that would lead me to where I needed to be. The parking was ridiculous and I contemplated heading on home. Instead I made a u-turn and followed the signs that were posted almost on every block. Those signs were bright orange with the word "DETOUR" across it. When I got back to where I originally started, a vehicle had moved and I now had a good spot.

As I'm typing this I am finishing up my drink from Starbucks that the barista added lemonade that I didn't ask for, but I thoroughly enjoyed. In life we have habits that we need to break. In life we have to stop focusing on wants and start focusing on needs. What worked for granny and those, won't work for you. Oh a word to the wise our Elders ain't always right! We are in different times and must adapt to these different situations.

Sometimes our mindset is so crippled by what we are used to, that the universe throws DETOURS in life to experience new things and to break habits. We cannot limit ourselves or our children  in these times. Do something different. Explore new things. Be open minded. Follow the signs. Life gave me a refreshing cup of lemonade this morning...😏
